• Save today's love for tomorrow
    And give the past away
    Write the rules upon the wall

    There and back I've been and gone
    Who is left to comfort me?
    I'm all alone, no love for me

    Can't you hear me, see me, feel me?
    Can't I catch your attention at all?
    You're ignoring all my cries for help.

    This life is empty and you don't know
    What I went through to make you feel
    Like a million dollars and more

    Your happiness was my reason
    And now it's all been blown away
    Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

    Can't you see me, hear me, feel me?
    Can't I make you love me now?
    You've hung me out to watch the sun

    Can't you see me, hear me, feel me?
    Can't It all just go away?
    I just want to go home.
    Can't you see me, hear me, feel me?
    Can't you?
    Won't you?