• I went to the store one day,
    Deep into the month of May,
    When i looked, Surprise!
    I saw a gingerbread man with M&M brown eyes.
    He looked tasty, and yet, so gross.
    (Kinda reminded me of toast)
    But i bought him anyway and to my joy,
    He spoke and said, "My name is Moy."
    He sounded so tasty that i took a deep breath,
    leaned in, and went for the bite to his head.
    He groaned, but that was that.
    I pulled my hat down so nobody could see,
    the murder i committed so cruelly.
    I took one more bite and felt so much pleasure,
    I ate him right there, down beside the street.
    Now I'm back home and feeling quite full,
    Just as happy and as joyful as I can be.
    (Miss you Moy)