• Remember those days in which we loved till no end?
    Rememeber those times in which we sat at the table talking to dawn struck the earth?

    I look at you now disturbed and Angered
    You look at me as if i was nothing but a blank wall

    Remember the months in which we traveled and held hands in paris and Rome?
    Remeber the days in which we sat at my poolside talking and laughing?

    I look at you now wondering what have you done?
    one look at the wrong person and you lost what took you years to build....

    your life.

    I remeber it clearly now the day in which i saw you
    our love was forgotten our memories were errased
    all because of the moments your spent errasing your life away.

    I remember it clearly now closing the book on my bed and thinking,
    what am I to do?