• Life, is like a lit candle.

    If a candle had a consciousness, it wouldn't know who lit it. Who, or what, made it be.
    Because, like life, it has no eyes. People have eyes, but people aren't life.

    The light of the candle rests in anyone's hands. Whoever passes by it can just blow it out.
    Or they can just leave it be, until someone else comes along and the choice is put in their hands.

    The candle can be blown out by a small, unnoticeable breeze. No one would see it coming.
    Suddenly, the light would just be gone, leaving only smoke, just a reminder that the light did exist, but no more.
    No one would know what had happened until they found the open door or window.

    Something might knock over the candle, and then there would be insanity.

    Under any unpredicted circumstances the flame on the candle can either thrive, or slowly shrivel to death.

    And after it shriveled to death, it would leave an empty, unlit room. Someone can re-light it, but it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be that same flickering flame that everyone saw earlier. No one would really notice. People would just go on with their lives as if nothing had happened.

    But something did happen, even though no one knows it.