• When you think you're helping someone
    It turns out you're not.
    All you do is push them
    Until they can't take it anymore

    People snap like twigs, watch out
    They come back broken, and you try to patch them up.
    But when you try to patch them up,
    You find that there are others there
    Who would just break them all over again.

    So you see, you try and you try
    But you can't completely mend
    A person's broken heart.

    There's always something there
    Always something more.
    That will always try and break them
    Tear them even more.
    And there's nothing that you can do
    To stop that from happening.

    So you see, when they walk out of your life,
    After all you've done to try and help.
    You have to let them go.
    Or else you'll be left with the broken heart,
    That's never able to heal.
    You feel that you've failed them,
    And that they pain you feel is deserved.

    When you finally think you might move on,
    The heartache starts all over again.
    As you see, a bleeding heart doesn't learn
    From breaks, scratches, or gaping wounds
    It keeps on bleeding and tries
    To fix up the next beaten, battered heart it sees.

    And everything you try to do,
    To patch yourself up enough.
    Amounts to naught,
    Because your heart is only ripped asunder
    When you see them broken once more.
    So you try again, to patch them up
    To help them learn to live and breathe again.
    You're setting yourself up for heartache,
    Just like them.

    You see, people who help you to live.
    Need help too.
    But when you try to help, you always worry
    That maybe you do too much, that you care too much.
    And that it will eventually push them away.
    Leaving you to deal with your old wounds,
    That have been ripped clean open once more.

    So you stand, and wonder
    Did you even do any good?
    Did you ever even reach them?
    Did you do all you could for them?
    For surely if they've left,
    You can give them nothing more.

    Life is full of people walking away,
    Turning their backs on you
    Whenever you try to help.
    And nothing can keep you together,
    So you eventually fall apart.

    Tucked in a grove, a far away grove
    Where no one else can see
    You let yourself go, the self you let all see.
    And it leaves you lying there as your wounds bleed
    You're heart is there, but it won't work.
    Everything in it you've given up.
    All to help.

    All to help the people you saw,
    The girl you saw.
    The girl with a broken heart
    And the eyes which you saw sorrow in.