• Waking up. Screaming again. Stay here. Hide. Safe.
    Silence plays its sweet song.
    Go down stairs. No tears. Only sadness.
    Back to work.
    No breakfast. No good start. No preparation.
    Have to hustle.
    Fix the house. Wash his dog. Clean his room.
    Don't want him angry.
    A lot to do. Many chores. Many pains.
    But no help.
    No stopping. Keep going. Always working.
    Before he gets home.
    No lunch. No play. No break.
    So much work.
    Hurry to finish. Finally clean. Stepfather steps in.
    He's home.
    No time for rest. Silent still. Don't unnerve him.
    Keep out of his sight.
    Sit in my room. It's time. I guess I must.
    Dinner time.
    She cooks. Sets the table. She serves.
    Don't look into his eyes.
    Red face. Not what he wanted. He's angry.
    Go to my room.
    No dinner. No dessert. No "goodnight".
    It's dark in here.
    Loud tonight. Never stopping. Never losing his breath.
    Will it ever end.
    Going to sleep. Screaming. stay here. Hide. Safe.
    Only one voice screaming.
    Waking up. Screaming again. Stay here. Hide. Safe.
    Leaving today.
    Getting louder. Tentions raised. Fear growing.
    What's happening.
    Abrupt silence. Too quiet. Footsteps.
    A rapping on my door.
    Called me down. Golf shaft in hand. Screams pointed at me.
    Don't look into his eyes.
    False acusations. Taking the blame. Eardrums pounding.
    Nod my head in understanding.
    Fit of rage. "Look at me!" Shatter.
    Golf shaft against my arm.
    Numb now. Long bruise. No tears.
    Only sadness.
    Left. Grandparents. Help. Safe.
    They went and got him, I stayed.
    Busted in. Over took him. Overthrew him.
    You have the right to remain silent.
    Accusations. Trial. Judgement.
    He went away. Silence. Happiness.
    Couldn't last.
    Returned. Angry. Horrible.
    Crying. Fighting. Swinging.
    Blotchy bruises.
    They came in. Pulled me away. Took me far.
    They finished the job. He went back. I didn't.
    Peace and quiet.
    Long ride. Decisions made. Sent me off.
    On my to my new home.
    Nice relatives. New beginnings. New memories.
    A new life.
    It's always quiet. I always eat. I'm never overloaded.
    It's better here.
    No more bruises. No more work. No more tears.