• I try to see past your stupid smile,
    I look into your face.
    What I see is lust,
    what you want is way past first base.

    I try to tell you no.
    Can you see the bruise showing on my eyes?
    Can you hear my screams?
    Because of you, I have no allies.

    I lost my friends.
    My family is gone too.
    But you still have everything.
    How is this true?

    I hope you know I hate you,
    that I can't stand the way you look at me.
    You're dead in my mind,
    can you not you see?

    Those few months I showed no anger.
    I gave you my full trust.
    You showed me I could love no one.
    And yet, I never did combust.

    You used me and I hate you for that.
    You're an awful man from hell.
    I thought you were like a brother.
    I only wish your child well.

    I used to hate your girlfriend.
    For taking your freedom away,
    But you helped produce that child.
    It was your fault your life was gray.

    I hope you burn in hell, you worthless peice of s**t.
    Which you probably will,
    You taught me a lesson though,
    You taught me a powerful skill.

    Never trust a soul,
    I know that was why we met.
    I understand now, thanks to you.
    Everyone is a threat.