• Open youe eye and see who she really is.

    Hiding behind a mask
    A mask of hate.

    Hate surrounds her heart
    Taking over her soul.

    We dont know what happend to make her this way.
    You know she cannot love.

    She cannot love you untill she loves herself.

    Open your eyes .
    Open them and see who she really is.

    Hiding behind a mask
    A mask of hate.

    She is cursed.
    Bound, body and soul.

    She cannot love, its not in her nature.
    she betrayed you when you trusted her most.

    She is cursed.
    Her only love is hate.

    Her mask is seductive.
    Open your eyes and see who she really is.

    Hate is all around her causing distruction and chaos.
    And she laughs....