• Why would you say i dont care && i dont love you.
    All that bullshiz you say aint even true.
    You dont know how i feel for you at all.
    I flippin catched you when you fall.

    You have no idea how i flippin feel.
    I think this is all a nightmare, so not real.
    Just pinch me, please make me stop this slumber.
    Make it hurt, wake me up, i dont wanna remember.

    This pain in my chest hurts too much.
    This reality isnt real, Not able to touch.
    But only feel, but its just fiction.
    The love i got from you was my addiction.

    You were like my drug, my ecstasy.
    Where i only thought, me && you, you && me.
    I enjoyed being your wifey since zero-three-one-seven-oh-nine.
    That one day, that one night, this one year, when you were mine.

    Im shivering, im cold, from not having you back.
    Now im out your life, I'll get up and pack.
    I have to walk out your life once and for all now.
    You win, I dont know, I dont care how.

    You can just forget i even existed in your life.
    Forget how I once loved yooh, forget i was your wife.
    Forget everything i ever said && did.
    Even how me && yooh acted so stupid.

    Fighting, blaming, being replaced?
    Just typing all this, makes me wanna press backspace.
    I dont think i would be able to forget her face.
    I wanna leave, this spot, this place.

    I wanna try and forget this all happened.
    I wonder if i will forget, what if i hadn't.
    Will i be able to live along this road.
    In this darkness, nothing had glowed.

    All hope and love for her died right here.
    My eyes watered, shed a tear.
    No, i made an ocean when i cry out for her.
    Its like a disease, no damn cure.

    My eyes, i cant see, its all a blur.
    I dont know what to do, im never sure.
    When the wind blows, i hear a wind chime.
    Singing, minute to minute, time to time.

    Im dying, from being lonely, being blamed.
    Being scolded, yelled at, ashamed.
    I want my wife back, but i vow not to.
    If your reading this, i still love you.

    </3 Amaya Lavera