• I don't know how to say this.
    I'm over you..
    I don't know how you will take it.
    I can't take this anymore..
    You took my heart and held on tight.
    But let it drop like you didn't even know me.
    I held yours and hoped for the best.
    Yet it faded away right in my hands.
    I know you loved me and it was returned.
    But now there is nothing here to return it.
    Things happened and you tried to end it
    But told me the truth and hoped I understood.
    I did and hoped for the best.
    And yet you act like you don't want to remember.
    All the fun things that happend leaving me with a smile.
    Are now my nightmare hurting my broken heart.
    You wanted it over.
    But I was never over you..
    I don't know what to think
    Are we over?
    Or starting a new one.