• Sleepwalker

    I walk along the dark city street at night,
    Guided only by instinct and the subtly fading light of the moon;
    Its silver glow reflecting off my pale skin.
    I walk quite aimlessly,
    Yet somehow peacefully.
    Though unconscious I move swiftly, gracefully,
    As if the remains of my heart were completely unharmed.

    I walk straight ahead, never looking back;
    For it would do nothing but remind me of the past;
    My past.
    The past I was so readily escaping.
    My past, the last treacherous reminders of what happened,
    What was, what could’ve been, what should’ve been;
    But wasn’t.

    I walk farther and farther from the life I once knew,
    From the pain which I was so very well acquainted,
    From the memories of happiness so distant they were no more than a blur,
    From the impending sorrow that repeated itself many a time before.
    I search of nothing more than inner peace,
    Nothing more than the need to feel wanted,
    To feel accompanied in this solitary walk of night.

    Still, I walk, now miles from my previously pathetic existence,
    Hoping to efface the memory of what I was completely,
    For I never asked to be who I am, nor was I given the choice.
    As clouds begin forming over the gentle projection of the moon,
    I am left in darkness, utterly alone in the deadest of night.
    I stop, awaiting some signal for me to continue my meaningless journey.
    Completely lost, I stand there, easily mistaken to be a ghostly statue, horribly out of place.

    I stay there unflinching for what seems to be an eternity,
    But finally, the clouds disperse, granting me the light I so desperately craved.
    It is then I find myself in a soft, comforting field of wheat.
    Only now I am conscious once more, even though I am lost.
    I am completely unfamiliar with the area I now dwelled.
    What had I done?
    I decided this was it. I was done.

    I wallow in self pity until something catches my eye;
    I look down to see my heart, surprisingly, beating.
    Reaching for it, my eyes filling with tears of joy I suddenly freeze.
    It’s there, without a doubt.
    Until the wind blows through the distant forest, and then through the field where I stand.
    It blows the ashes of my heart away forever.
    Now, the one thing my soul led me here to retrieve was forever lost.

    I walk towards the heavily wooded forest in disbelief.
    The wind makes the shadows dance as the leaves at my feet sing;
    They twirl around me, chanting.
    I try to run, but my feet seem to be rooted into the ground.
    I try to scream, but my tongue is a knot.
    I try to squirm, but my arms stiffen to twigs.
    And I become a tree in the enchanted forest of night wanderers.

    I will never be heard again.
    I was lured by the enchantment, and cursed to stay.
    As the others in the forest, I am a victim.
    The forest so alive, yet so dead and made of the broken ones.
    I am no longer alone.
    I am surrounded by the other lost souls,
    Forever forgotten.