• Once upon a time there was a girl
    She lived and loved and as happy
    Along came her prince who swept her off her feet
    She loved him for everything he was
    He never knew, but it was ok
    They were friends strong and true
    Then he finally realized
    He started feeling for her too
    They got together and were happy
    Then the Happily Ever After ended.
    The girl felt herself a princess,
    But it was not to last
    The villagers looked and talked
    It pushed the prince off the edge
    It was awkward and difficult
    The princess was afraid
    Then her prince ran away
    Then the princess was a girl once again.
    The girl knew it would happen,
    For she knew she was not interesting.
    Her prince came back with the promise of friendship
    So now the little ugly girl sits
    Now the little ugly girl waits
    Now the little ugly girl hopes
    Her love smoldering under the surface
    Its power unknown to the world
    Her dreams of her prince a secret from even herself
    And the girl forever hopes
    She hopes for the day her prince would return
    To hold her close
    To smile
    To care
    The girl dreams for the one day
    The day her passion can freely flame away
    To bad that will never happen
    For I am that girl
    And there is no one day for me
    Because my story, my prince, my happily ever after,
    I just don't have that sort of luck.
    And so, the girl dreams...
    My beautiful prince.