• Eternity has come and gone
    With every rise and setting dawn

    With You not here i fear to dread
    What battles go inside my head

    The wait for Him is bitter-sweet
    It douses flames and brings the heat

    A love that's caught in many snares
    It only wants to give and care

    This world has stripped it all away
    It keeps the love of You at bay

    A day shall come when torment ends
    And peace shall stop to heal and mend

    The anguish set by those of old
    Shall unleash unto them ten-fold

    And fear and death and hate shall cease
    When He returns to return peace

    The night shall end when the Son <play on words xD< shall rise
    And put an end to the evil lies

    The earth shall quake and start anew
    And blessing come for all the Jews

    Who stood their ground and kept their faith
    And kept in Him in holy space

    Books tell of nations rise and fall
    But revelation tops it all

    The end is near we must prepare
    For even now, we dodge the snares