• I am a burning candle. Looking bright and cheery but really, i'm melting.

    Beautifully burning.
    Understanding the truth as I constantly shrink.
    Ready and steady, hoping for no wind.
    Nodding my flame as to pretend i'm okay.
    Illuminating a dark world...but it won't last forever.
    Nurture, I do, wishing there could be more.
    Golden sprarkles of mine try hopelessly to light your way.

    Can you see it? Can you see me fading?
    As I grasp for oxygen.
    No, you can't see. I am still lit, not gone yet.
    Delighted you seem, though my brightness is not true.
    Lies, that's the brightness, lies.
    Everthings over, my flame breaths its last breath....Darkness.