• Screech low, fly away
    To the mortal belies
    A barren sifting gully
    Dawn couples risen skies

    Clandestine mirror gleam
    Water-lily breastplate
    Envious of erudite machine
    Circumvents the hand of fate

    Wars, my brother, kindly guide
    To the crow's bestial plea
    Pugnacious has thee driven
    A brother in winged arms to flea

    Eyelash temple crowned solemn waste
    Silken Rhodes, surrogate the tide
    Skittering vale, crestfallen concave
    of what Mother moon has hidden in stride

    Ne'er aloft to decree, ghastly coils
    Pitch blackened constant beguile
    fastidious coalescence desired
    Approaching fruits, a labor worth while

    Knell, to kneel before godhead fountain
    Breath is the gift given as one dies
    To our vicar of mercy, hate, truth and vain
    to Morning, as the mourning thrush cries

    Dust away the dusky day, painted gray
    Fallen souls, bereft, one and one
    Sailing inverted disciples
    Robes retreating from sighting sun

    Linen lined denial, begging introvert
    Rotting clear as a carrion cache
    Acceptance of her brother, hurt
    Was all the crow could ask

    Hell-bound apparent, nightmare leash
    Destitute corsage, branded chill
    Decrepit leaves flowing aloft
    The frigid flock within skin so soft

    This sibling is a wailing ivory elation
    Billowing chorus to don reverence
    Dignity, comprised of human desecration
    Crowned king of love stained severance

    Cemetery smiles breed interlocking wing
    Blackened foul, opal phantasm cowl
    In misery, the crow ordains to sing
    As her silver shadow begins to howl

    Questioning unsettling reality
    Sister, why privy living dreams?
    Jaded, playing fortune climatically
    "What choice have we?" She gleams

    Allegations ringing, stinging valiantly
    To rectify, nay, justify prevalent demise
    Accosting existence for acting so cruelly
    But the thrush only screams in shrill reprise

    His eyes shifting dolorously
    Mordant retort from his maw, exhumes
    Vehemence, squandered in libations
    Respect paid for every imposing tomb

    Causation coincides to lackluster drifts
    Veiled morbidity is nary replete
    Despite forwarding disdain rifts
    We all must greet the end, complete

    Not tear nor scream nor wanton wail
    Will save or resurrect what comes to pass
    Or dissolve away intransigent fears
    That lie disgraced in gutters, amassed

    This sermon shines bleakness, streaked
    if naught but singly, one lesson culled, satiate
    Allow it privileged, emanating from his beak
    "Circumstance coalesces as our only hand of fate."