• The darkest of days
    The brightest of nights
    The starless night full of terrible fright
    the pools of blood forming rivers streaming oh so freely
    the pain filled screams echo throw the night
    All the love in the world lose all hope at a inconsiderable lose
    The sounds of screams well the people enter the firey gates of hell their screams will last all eternity
    Never a end in sight
    What can we do to ease their suffering? NOTHING
    There pain is complete so long it lasts for all eternity echoing throwout the night throw out the world throw out the sky
    Make it stop! Make it cease!
    So all our pain is complete.
    A world coming to its final end
    All the screams stop.
    Finally eternal rest and eternal peace.
    Perfect lustful peace
    All the suffering ceased
    all the screams stopped the world falls into utter silence
    not even the sound of the wind rustling leaves
    not the sound of laughter
    no sign of joy
    all life ceased
    all life stopped
    time is at a stand still
    the world falls into utter silence forever still.
    No life to be seen all the light gone the world has been put to eternal rest,
    good bye world sleep tight.