• She stares into space
    Thoughts scattered across the empty darkness that is her mind
    Visions flicker like a slideshow deep within her eyes
    Being seen
    Being heard
    By only her
    A private movie and she is the star
    Many pass
    but never knowing
    what it is they're seeing
    Still as a statue
    Never blinking
    Barely breathing
    she thinks
    The moon reflects off the water into her eyes
    Revealing them to be deeper than the ocean
    Yet as shallow as a puddle
    Showing how they are as dark as the mind they mask
    Yet as bright as the light they reflect
    Her lips remain silent
    Yet they scream with a pain loud enough to echo off even the highest mountain
    She is strong as a lion
    YEt weak as a mouse
    Brave as a warrior
    Yet feared as a slave
    Her hands are steady as a perfect table
    Yet shake as violently as an earthquake
    Her legs never move
    Yet run at all times from the fear deep within
    She is but a girl
    Masked forever by a body of lies
    Forced to do
    and believe
    the ones she's told
    Yet to forever tell the truth
    She stands steady and still upon solid ground
    yet is falling so fast that hell is the sky
    And heaven is unreachable
    That all will be lost to her if she decends any deeper
    All of this as she stands
    and never sees
    the sky at which she stares so intently
    And as the sun begins to climb over the mountains
    She remains in the shadows
    Even when all light is upon her
    As she shines
    and glistens
    and sparkles as if she is the happiest person in the world
    She still falls
    And runs
    And cries deep tears
    But no one will ever know
    Because though she was told to tell only the truth
    She was raised and taught by only lies
    And she has become a master in disguise
    Forever happy
    Yet dying inside