• These crowded halls I walk in silence,
    Searching for his perfect face,
    His soft eyes meet mine but he looks away,
    He'll never know how I feel,
    I watch him from my solitude, the sway of his body with each step,
    It pains me,
    He'll never know my name,
    I will forever be that face in the crowd,
    Just another girl passing by,
    A timid flush when our eyes meet,
    He'll never truely understand,
    A gentle bump into his shoulder when he stops too fast,
    I duck my head and flee,
    He will never know,
    He can't ever know,
    Never could I let him love me,
    I could not drag him down to my level,
    And yet. . . .
    And yet my love persists,
    I know quite well that he'll never love me,
    He'll never try to talk to me,
    I will forever be that girl who stares at him,