• I gave everything and in return I received nothing from you.
    My heart lies beating in your chest next to yours.
    My trust was placed into your empty words.
    And I put myself in your hands.
    The hands that held me ever so perfectly,
    Just as they had to the others before me.
    Insecurity overwhelms me,
    And from you I have no comfort.
    The regret begins to slowly sink in.
    My world shatters once the reality hits me.
    I know not the Lethe to help me forget;
    Not even morphine could numb this pain.
    The girl staring back at me in the mirror,
    I hate.
    You claim loneliness,
    When I cannot even find a friend within myself.
    That blur of time you could have stopped.
    I could have regained all sense and sanity,
    And stop myself from ever experiencing this feeling.
    But no, I was too worried about you,
    Not even thinking of myself.
    Yet you have broken all your promises to me,
    And I broke one that was to myself.
    They all lay haphazardly in broken shards scattered across your floor.
    When I try to pick them up, they only break more.
    I feel myself heading towards a spiral fall, and you watch it all.
    You did not even say you loved me.
    You treated me just like the rest,
    And you somehow want me to believe that I am the best.
    For nights, I cried myself to sleep and wrapped myself in guilt.
    There was no where to go and no one to turn to.
    I was to suffer on my own.
    We are now in this broken relationship,
    But you have not one scratch.
    And here I am completely shattered.