• Bluebirds chirp into
    A dormant reverie in a young girl’s heart
    I am dreaming in a boat of sugar clouds
    Among the coldest altitudes of the atmosphere
    Balmy breezes conquer the chills and goose bumps
    My eyes lay their pupils on a sandy shoreline
    Clustered with seaweed and necklaces of seashells
    Beams from the lighthouse hiding in the cliff’s shadow
    Guiding me to the safety of a summer home
    Vacant and brightly lit angelic
    Engulfed in flames of pink and gold from the spotlight of the sunset
    Landing softly without a sound
    Approaching the door with a welcoming door mat
    I say hello to my dear home
    A pearl in the warmest part of a clam
    Itchy sand grains feel like pure velvet to me
    Swallowed up by the white foamed waves
    In the peaceful heat of December

    California comes to me in the breeze
    I am home
    In the Golden State crossing the Golden Gate Bridge
    Until I reach my heart’s only destination

    Seagulls amplify
    Their morning wake up calls
    My face is hit y the rays of the blistering sun
    He smiles down the orange gardens baring sweet fruit
    The taste of the tropics only several miles away
    And I feel entranced to say
    I feel right at home among the flock
    Soaring over our heads to wherever, we don’t know
    Where they migrate in the winter, but I know
    They take refuge in the beautiful Californian wood
    Red dogwood weaved into a canopy
    To protect from the rain and city smog
    I know how they feel
    Finally arriving to paradise and resting their wings

    Christmas lights adorn palm trees
    The holidays on the Pacific coast
    I can see through my telescope
    A colorfully lighted place
    Where children’s dreams come true
    Disneyland may be the happiest place on Earth
    But I prefer the natural light of the midday
    And I enjoy dipping my feet into the ocean
    The simplicity of the orange vines
    I say hello to home

    California comes to me in the breeze
    I am home
    In the Golden State crossing the Golden Gate Bridge
    Until I reach my heart’s only destination