• I remember it all so clearly.
    The things I heard.
    The things I saw.
    The things I said.
    I remember..
    My last Breath.

    It was sunny.
    We had gone to the park.
    We were having so much fun.
    Talking about the boys in the orphanage.
    Talking about the things we liked.
    Talking about how much we hated our caretaker.
    But everything changed.

    The two men stood there.
    Both muscular, and dressed in tuxedoes.
    They both had on sunglasses, so I couldn't see their eyes.
    But I knew who they were.
    One held out a gun.
    It was a 9mm.
    It was pointed at her.
    I stepped in front in a heartbeat.

    I remember.
    Being in her arms.
    I heard sirens of police cars.
    And I heard her cries.
    I felt the warmth of her hand.
    As my vision went blurry.
    I remember, the last thing I said.
    In my last breath:
    "I'm sorry."