• Dear beloved,

    I am no longer good for this world. I must leave you, but i have left you my legacy, and forever it shall live on even it these lines are lost. People shall feel the lines everyday, and never be relieved as i will.
    Here is my last legacy:

    Blood: is the elixir of life for us all. We all need blood to live. It's hard to know that we all have blood just waiting to force itself out of your paper-thin veins. It's so easy just to make a cut, and watch blood be freed, by also freeing pain

    Pain: is something we all have. It's torture to feel, but relieving to know that we're just human. None are invincible to this dangerous enemy. It's hard to know that you are just the same when feeling pain, we all do. It's easy to know that pain can betaken away, by taking away humanity.

    Humanity: is something we are all tortured with. We walk and are human, we eat and are human, we talk and are human, we smile and are human. The list continues like a river flowing its way down. It's hard to know that we are all just a copy of nature, looking just like everyone else. It's easy to know that we can rid ourselves of humanity, by bringing torture.

    Torture: you can bring that unto someone. Anyone really. We can torture any human being alive, but they all are different. They don't feel as you do when you bring them pain for your pain is much different from theirs, but they will never understand. It's hard to know that you will always be the direct opposite from you helpless victims. It's easy to know that when they are helpless in their tight bonds you can take away all of your torture with one bloody line across the wrists.

    These few words are all that are left of me, and now i shall end all of my blood, pain, humanity, and torture. We shall never see one another again, i know that, but keep my legacy safe for my very own life is worth it. My dear beloved when you are gone from this world you will be one of the stars. I shall already be gone, but i shall count the stars waiting for a new one every night for the years to come.
    My beloved never again shall you hear these words upon my lips; I love you.
    As i know draw the knife across my wrists i feel everything be released. Miss me......

    Your one and only,