• Feel your fangs pierce my unyielding flesh
    Trying to feed from my empty veins
    My body already cold to your touch
    As you search for a food source that has been devoured

    My body grows stiffer as you try again
    Tapping into a different vein
    Your fangs search for my blood deep within
    But find nothing but the cold empty air

    I let you drink when your fangs felt too good to stop you
    And now all of my blood is gone
    Nothing but a useless corpse in your eyes
    And you leave me to die and rot amongst the others

    Not even a tear can I cry for you
    As my last hidden drop of blood stains the soft earth
    When my body grows harder and my will to live fades
    As my skin turns to ice and the shine in my eyes is gone

    I attempted to stop tapping her veins
    But the blood tasted so good to me
    I tryed to leave her under the tree
    But her scent kept calling me back

    I wanted to help her, tell her she was alright
    But my fangs said something different
    I went to bleed myself into her
    But I cut into her skin instead

    A paracite, that is what they called us
    Feeding off the only ones we loved
    Then forced to leave them to die
    My un-beating heart is shattered