• We're never happy with who we are, 'cause we're so focused on who we're not.
    And the grass always looks greener on the other side, but what if the other sides not actually green?
    What if it's just the reflection of envy in your eyes?
    It's antagonizingly ironic and ironically antagonizing.
    The young are trying to get old and the old are trying to get young.
    And when they finally reach where their going they're never happy when the journey's done.
    Never happy, never satisfied, never greener than the other side.
    It's a cycle its a habit, it's human nature like a robotic rabit.
    The envious are plentiful and the envied are few, and even the ones who are envied are envious of you.
    So lost to the ID we can't see what we have.
    We only see what we want, but once we got it we don't want it and we're back to the same path.