• She stood on the shore,
    As the waves danced around her legs,
    And began to swallow her whole.
    Tears slide down her face,
    And they mixed with the sprays of water upon her face.
    Her hands clutched an empty bottle,
    Which she held up to eyes,
    And twisted the top.
    Keeping her eyes on the horizon,
    The waves coaxed her further out.
    "Stop!" I screamed while facing the water myself.
    Her fiery eyes shot a look of hate at me.
    "Why should I?" she cried back.
    "It's not worth it."
    Her faced turned upwards toward the sky.
    I knew what she wanted,
    For she did not want to die.
    "I fear that if I put my feelings in a bottle,
    And then send them out to sea,
    Will they still be able to haunt me?"
    Her whispered words seemed all to familiar to me.
    "The feelings will seep through the glass,
    Swim upwards out of the sea,
    And crawl back into your heart."
    I simply stated my words,
    And waited for her reply.
    But instead, she began to cry.
    And turned again to look at me,
    And then hissed, "You lie."