• Nobler Than the Purple Grape
    that fell from the vine
    More tranquil than the olive branch
    that rotted 'fore it's time
    What does it mean?
    I fear I know
    but what occupies my mind
    is will my love remain for me
    after so much blood and time?

    The drums they roll
    The guns they roar
    men are crying 'Haroo'
    Love may be eternal
    I wonder darling are you?

    They put a pack across my back
    laden with elder's sin
    Though my body's bloody sore
    I'd do it all again
    Duty's a call I can't ignore
    A damnable sirens wail
    But fore the pride in my babes eyes
    I march a steady trail

    The drums they roll
    The guns they roar
    men are crying 'Haroo'
    Love may be eternal
    I wonder darling are you?
    If I return
    just blood and bones
    Would it please you then
    to know I only think of you
    only in the end?

    Here now I confess my sin
    I rarely think of you
    Mostly my thoughts run about
    just how to make it through
    Bellow the ground the worms crawl
    Hungry for my bones
    They'll get their meal
    if i stay still
    To moan of a distant home

    The drums they roll
    The guns they roar
    men are crying 'Haroo'
    Love may be eternal
    The body's not as true
    Alas the thing may beat all odds
    But a man can't turn the tides

    Nobler Than the Purple Grape
    that fell from the vine
    More tranquil than the olive branch
    that rotted 'fore it's time
    What does it mean?
    I fear I know
    but what occupies my mind
    is will my home remain for me
    after so much blood and time?