• I can feel the thump of the bass underneath my feet
    A basic rhythm accompanies it
    Flashing lights blind me
    My head is spinning
    Hands grab onto my shoulders
    "Is she OK?"
    "Should I call an ambulance?"
    "Oh my god!"
    Soon I find that the cold ground
    Has met up with my face
    With a slam
    I don't feel the pain
    I don't hear anything
    I see an endless nothingness
    The small pulse in my wrist has disappeared
    My mind
    I don't wake
    From my deep slumber
    Forever may I sleep

    The little town
    I grew up in
    Lies in the dreariness of the storm
    A mob of black
    Huddled around an object
    Streaming down their mournful faces
    The object is opening
    My eyes are focused on the teenage girl that rests in the coffin
    A funeral
    My mind takes me back to that one night
    The pulse of the bass
    The flashing lights
    The bottle of pills
    All this floods into my mind
    As I stare
    At my familar face