• await in a cell
    in my personal hell
    a face is ingrained in my mind
    another defiance is yet incomplete
    betrayal has now been defined

    the lover i had
    has driven me mad
    and the wilderness drawing me in
    but crackling sound in the depth of my
    heart lets me know that my love will not die

    so sit in my cell
    and i burn all alone
    and the fires have taken me in

    SO feel the fire
    let it burn
    sizzling flesh
    making you yearn
    for an older time
    when your love was still alive
    So feel the fire

    I sit in this cage
    and i reminisce
    of the one that i love
    the one i will miss

    lost and alone
    the darkeness subsides
    but i cant run from the fire inside

    So I must
    feel the fire
    let it burn
    sizzling flesh
    making you yearn
    for an older time
    when your love was still alive
    So feel the fire

    Feel the fire
    as it washes over u
    Feel the fire
    there's nothing you can do
    i live alone
    in this hollow cell
    and now i feel the fire
    since our love fell