• A sparkle and wink.
    A bubbly laugh.
    You have the potential.
    Why waste it on her?

    She has no class.
    Her parents consider her trash.
    With smoke stains
    On her teeth and fingers,
    It's a nasty yellow.
    So why would you kiss that?

    She calls you names
    Whenever she's mad
    And curses your family, friends, and me.
    I can't watch you hold her hand.

    Want to know why?
    Because of her,
    I can't hold you like before.
    Our hands touch, but never embrace.
    Our smiles remain the same,
    But they never reflect in our eyes.

    Can't you see?
    I could never be with you.
    She intimidates all I know and love.
    Including you, My Dear.