• The Fallen and The Uprising

    The ultimate battle of the two strongest angels that of love and that of death.Wings spread out of pure white light and armor that fits tight on her body with her spear she lunges foward at the man in her opposite.No armor bones for wings eyes blinded and body covered in the darkest black of darkness his teeth showing sharp like that of a wolfs his demonic body covered in scares of untold battles his blades covered in the south part of hells hottest fire and the norths coldest ice that burns to the touch.eyes pitch black snareling lunges foward and they collide the ground shatters the smoke riseing the sound of blades clangeing she stabs his shoulder with her spear and he stops looks at it and throws down his blades but before they hit the ground the disappear and he pulls out the spear and with one second it shatters she jumps back he has no emotion and no sense like a rabbid animal he lunges foward and its to late to react he grabs her throat and throws her in the air like a kick boxer he fights punching her stomach and head then switching to his legs knees and elbows grabing one wing and hurling her down into the ground watching it shatter more he waits in the air her scratches and wounds are heavy blood covered she is determined to win so she lunges foward and then disapears and reapears behind him grabs his wings and with the speed of light kicks his back as he falls to the ground shattering it more then before still kicking he grabs one leg and swings her into a collom she recovers quick and they both lunge foward but before there fist collide....Weve been argueing for days and i wonder how its going to end her back against mine faceing opposite directions both to stubborn to admit were wrong then standing ther in that space i realize its just us the world is gone and were trapped into a white space and we stand next to each other still mad but we watch this epic battle as if we were there her rooting for love and me death and we arrgue about that she wants the gurl angel to win cheering for every blow she gets and looks at the man seeing how he dosent feel anything at all frightend by not just that his demeanor alone.Then i cheer for every blow he gets and say that proves a man is stronger then a woman and she replys no it proves a man feels nothing towards a women and we go back to the arrguement .It all started because she wanted to have kids now and i said no so she yelled and ranted that i dont love her because i dont wanna have kids with her and i said thats not true people that hate eachother have kids that dosent prove love and she tells me that all men are the same and that we have no feelings for the women and we are just sense less dogs.i replyied thats not true because i wouldnt still be with you if i didnt love you in mi mind its been proven we are stronger in physical strenght as well as logic but a womens love and creativity is unmatched.so as we arrgue the battle continues and we stop to watch...there it is his fist hits her face and hers hits his at the same moment and they both go flying back shattering mountains sourronding them he shoots out of the smoke cloud and i stop rooting for him hopeing that angel of love is ok mi gurl grabs mi arm tight in fear looks at me with tears rooling down her eyes and i tell her it will be ok death puts his blades to loves throat she is unconiouse and kills her then in a flash were back in the appartment and my gurl lays in my chest crying i then hold her tight trying to console her but cant belive what i just saw then i realize the battle of the angels was our arrguement and each blow was for the one who was winnig but as i picture mi love is that of love and how mi gurl pictures me was that of the angel of death a rabbid savage animal with no feeling or emotion. she looks up at me and in that instent i lay the sweetest kiss on her realizeing thats not what i want to become and that i do love mi women and we flash back we watch and he holds his blades to her throat and then drops his blades into the ground picks up the angel of love and his eyes return to him she wakes up watching him hold her in the air and his teeth become human his scares disapear and his wings break off he sets her down and holds her looking into her eyes and kisses her she holds him and kisses back.we flash back to our room and mi gurls crying tears of joy as she realizes that the angels were us and that we do have feelings and it hurts us to but we dont show it. we stare into eachothers eyes and lay our soft kisses then i tell her to wait i walk to the kitchen and pour us some champain and pull out of mi pocket the little necklace locket she gave me and the wedding ring i bought her and put it in her glass then walk into the room and as she drinks she feels it hit her lip and she just knew soi proposed and she accepted then i told her it gets better so when she asked what i told her lets get started on the kids and kissed her she started crying saying that she loves me and i told her i know babe i love you to as we made love i couldnt help but think what the angels were doing then again if they were us i already knew.The scares were that of past love so i gusse when they disappeared from his body that ment i finaly let the past go to love that special women next to me. ZC