• How dare you swing your careless pendulum?
    You advance without concern for our matters.
    Curse your ceaseless advance!
    You are an empty force-
    A lifeless drive that topples end over end
    Until all is crushed beneath you.
    Had I a blade, I would dispatch your pendulum
    And cease your clockwork.
    Then we could all stall and daze away
    Without fear of your hands passing us by,
    Or your pendulum crushing us with blunt reality.
    Maybe it would be best to let your hands pass me by.
    Perhaps an end is only the beginning.
    Once you cast me out of this physical realm
    You will no longer have power over me.
    I will be immune to your endless forward march.
    No longer could you wrinkle my flesh,
    Nor could you take away my friends and family.
    You would become insignificant-
    Gone and forgotten, meaningless.
    What a day that will be!
    I invite you then Clockwork.
    Do your worst to this body of mine.
    I will triumph over you in the end.