• Have you heard of the saying? "Aren't you tired? You should be, because you've been running through my head all day"

    You make me think of that, off and on, your back in my head, I miss you, I try and not to think about you. Unsure why I wouldn't want to think of you. Probably because we aren't together no more. All those times we had together I treasured more than I have with other memories.

    Your smile makes me smile, never seen you frown, Your laugh makes my day THAT much better than it already is because I am with you. I acknowledge when you were sad, upset, or something was on your mind, and tried to make it better if I was with you or not. Thank you so much for putting up with me and my childishness.

    I catch myself on the phone with you or texting you for the whole days at a time, and noticed I am not able to do that with many others. With you it is consistent. Everyday we have something to talk about also something new, and you are someone I would terribly hate to lose. Ur like no other, your the true meaning of one in a million.