• 45 minutes from now, I will no longer belong to you.
    45 thoughts from now, I will have left this world.
    45 second from now, I will be isolated from the pain.
    You left me alone for too long,
    And now I can't look in the mirror,
    Without seeing the person who hurt you.
    I should have never done those things to you,
    Is it so much to ask for you forgiveness,
    When you've already left me with my own mistakes?
    "It's okay" you said,
    As you left my broken heart bleeding on the bathroom floor.
    You broke my heart,
    And I broke your life.
    This is no fair trade,
    Which is why I can't face myself anymore.
    Good bye my sweet heart,
    Have a terrific life,
    A happy wonderful life,
    From the other side of this shattered mirror.