• Cold heart
    That doesn't even beat
    Dull eyes
    That never shine
    Pale skin
    Not a single flaw
    I am what you call, a doll
    Dressed in fancy clothes
    My hair always brushed
    I'm taken care of well
    My owner, so caring
    Treasures me
    Always loving to me
    She's a kind girl
    Whos no older than six
    She has long black hair
    Always tied with a bow
    She wears a ruffled dress
    Multiple styles and colors
    Always showing the most innocent of smiles
    She's so pure
    Shining like a star
    Even brighter than the moon
    She's owned me for years
    She first got me when she was three
    The way her face glowed when she first saw me
    She looked so joyful
    Never would I have thought
    That I would witness her sorrow
    Someone infiltrated her home
    In the dark night
    When everyone was asleep
    He snuck around
    Looking for her family's riches
    Their wealth
    But he made one mistake too many
    Dropped pots in the kitchen
    Shattering the silence
    Awaken parents
    Running and stumbling
    Little were they aware
    Their deaths were soon to come
    Come back little girl
    Don't follow after
    He'll find you
    And kill you
    For he has no mercy
    Screams of agony
    Even I could hear
    Run away
    Come here
    You'll be safe
    The child flees
    Back to her room
    Crying and sobbing
    Trying to shut the door
    He's in
    Don't harm her
    I beg you
    She's the only thing I have
    He can't hear me
    And blood splatters the wall
    The only thing left now
    Is this lonely little doll
    The only reminder of a young child
    Whos life was taken from her
    The end, of this doll's memories
    Is her owners tears