• So her i lay
    im falling apart
    not even breathing

    with a broken heart

    thats barely beating

    this is what you done to me as a curl sick joke

    and im the one to pay

    how is that fair

    what did i ever do to you
    whatever i did it must have been bad
    cause now here i lay
    spawrled on the ground
    with my heart barely beating
    and not even breathing
    if this is funny to you
    i'd hate to sitck around to see what hysterical is
    You walk away laughing with your friends
    how do you find this funny
    beating on a girl almost half dead
    well i guessed i deserve it
    i was the one that tried to be your friend
    so clearly it was my fault in trusting you
    and you backstabbed me so hard
    that im on the verge of dying
    so thanks alot im here again
    in another battle for life and death
    and i think death will win
    and don't tell me to blame someone else
    when it was clearly your fault
    don't try toblame this on me
    cause it's not my fault either
    you just love hateing me
    but one day all those words you said
    and actions you did
    will come back to haunt you
    and you'll wonder why
    you didn't let me have a chance of the good life