• On a ledge,beside a tree,
    Andwith birds above me flying free,
    I gazed upon a vast,green realm,
    With a great waterfall at its helm.
    Its crystal waves were strong and fast,
    And when they fell,their flight for a long time did last.
    A clear,loud note rang when they hit the ground,
    And when watching this,a peace in myself was found.

    Many creatures of the woods were by this sight,
    Running,resting and climbing in the grass and the sun's light.
    On the branch of a tree,I saw a Robin land,
    The light and color making it look wondrously grand,
    And as I watched,another Robin came beside it,
    And between,them,it seemed that the flame of love was lit.

    A fox I saw sprinting through the lush field,
    And in its eyes,determination was sealed.
    The cause of this I had not known,
    But my curiosity was answered when this scene was shown;
    In the shade of a tree the Fox's young sat still,
    Waiting for their mother,whom their stomachs would soon fill.
    As I watched,the mother came back,
    And the food in her jaws had nothing to lack.
    One by one,her children she fed,
    And once the deed was done,they to a stream she led,
    Where the young Foxes drank,and then to sleep they went,
    Watched on lovingly by their lone parent.

    I observed these scenes with joy in my heart,
    And dubbed the scenes an example of Nature's art.
    But the most favorable thing I saw was on top of a high hill;
    A great,strong oak with a size to shame a mill.
    In addition to its own,the oak was home
    to a great number of others,enough to fill a tome.
    Birds,Insects,and Squirrels were all there,
    And there was enough space on the oak for many more to spare.
    The oak was old,with evident years on its shape,
    But it held all its life,causing me to gape.

    Upon leaving this place,I swore to return,
    And whenever I do,much more do I still learn,
    Much more about the beautiful,splendid thing that is always in my heart,
    The everlasting spectacle that is Nature's Art.