• Your voice no longer fills the cold and hallowed halls. Your presence is no longer felt in every room. Only in the tangled warmth of the blankets and the sounds that fill my head do you still exist.
    Your face still haunts every corner in every room but reaching for you only proves that you are no longer there. You, like the memories walk the corridors of my tormented mind. The world keeps turning slowly as the days go in and out. There is no comfort in the cold and lonely days not like that found in the tangled sheets and tear stained pillows. Perhaps, it is time I face the day and the reality you are no longer there to greet me.
    But, the rain thumping softly on the windows and the blanket’s warmth are too much to fight and the world’s coldness to much to bear. I’ll try again tomorrow and maybe the day after that but no not today.
    The memories that comfort me walk the lonely corridors of my mind. You are still alive in there even if you can not be out here. Leaving those dreams is admitting you are gone to me completely something I can not face. I’ll try again tomorrow when it is sunny for a change but right now I’m happy where I am. This is why I will not get out of bed today not just yet.