• Why is this world in war?
    Anger and terror reigning,
    Reigning in a world that doesn't want them,
    Why do we fight our brothers?
    Why do we fight our sisters?
    Why is the the question that we must answer,
    If we answer it then maybe,
    Maybe we could get a better life,
    A life where love and peace exsists, 
    Some hope and strive for it,
    Others go and die for it,
    While some listen to the lies of the King Anger,
    While others listen to the tricks of Queen Terror,
    We must break free from this to survive,
    To survive this world,
    I hope for a better world,
    A world of love, 
    A world of peace,
    A world where the rain washes away evils,
    A world where we coexsist with billions of others,
    Yet I can only hope,
    Hope for this distant reality,
    For I am one person,
    One person that can only get help from others,
    One person that is tired of blind eyes turned to darkness,
    One person that is tired of the fighting,
    The fighting that still goes on,