• An eerie place that smelled of decay. Stone plaques, some without name. Deep within the dirt rests people who once were. Suffocating as they screamed "Do you know where you're going when you die?!".

    I continued to walk on. Not sure of what i'll find next. This horror does not effect me. For my mind is as dark as the crows in this place. No one holds command over me. No man, no God, no Devil. What is a claim of age for those who are immortal? What is a claim of power of those who defy death. Call me damned. I shall see who I drag to hell with me..

    I walk among the fellow mankind. Only to feel I'm far from it. You cannot feel someones pain. You can only trust they aren't fooling you. Though mostlikely they are. So dry your damp eyes, child. Move away from it all. I'll slit the throat of betrayl, only to watch her bleed. Nobodies heart is pure. No matter how the claimed to be saved.

    As I reach the end of the cemetery. I suffocated as I screamed. "Do you know where you're going when you die?"