• I know that you may not remember,
    But I saw you just the other day.
    I watched you write your English paper,
    But only when you were looking away.
    I wasn't cheating, cross my heart,
    I didn't even try to see the words.
    But not because I think you're stupid,
    Me? Insulting you? Absurd.
    I may have been a little busy,
    Watching you instead of your work.
    I know what you think, but I'm not a creeper.
    I'm not desperate, and I'm not a jerk.
    Enough about that, it doesn't matter.
    Long story short, I was watching you.
    I really think you're really pretty.
    Honest to God, I swear I do.
    I don't know if you do recall,
    but you saw me looking at you twice.
    I tried real hard to look like I wasn't,
    But you probably saw through that disguise.
    Anyway, I wrote this poem.
    To try and tell you why I stare.
    It's hard to pick the best of words,
    To try to make you think or care.
    I'm hoping that you'll be my friend,
    Or even say that you like me.
    If I do end up giving you this,
    I just hope you don't laugh when you see.
    I hope you end up being worth it,
    Because I failed that paper, dear.
    I wrote this during English class,
    But they don't except ridiculous poetry instead of a report on the late literary works of William Shakespeare...

    Go figure.