• Life is like a river of sorrow sometimes
    But that's life
    And you have to deal with it
    You can't just take a knife

    The way people get over things
    Leads them to there death
    Some times it's drinking
    Other times its meath

    Drugs dont just kill the mind
    It also kills the soul
    It turns your life into Hell
    And always eats you hole

    Life can be a river of sorrow sometimes
    But it's just how you chose to live that makes that
    You can chose to do nothing wrong
    And still be cursed by that black cat

    Live will be a river of sorrow sometimes
    If some one you loved died
    But it will only get worse
    if all you do is hide

    Don't be afread to show your scares
    Don't be afread of yourself
    Show others who you really are
    Or you'll be left on the shelf

    Never run away from fear
    Face it and show your not afraid
    Tell it to leave you alone
    Or forever be layed

    This is your life
    Live it like your last
    You'll never know what will happen
    Untell the day you pass

    Life is a river of sorrow sometimes
    It just makes you sick
    Just remember who you are
    And remember that time will tick