• Being alone isn't something you feel but something you are

    Saddness, feeling like you are worth-less that no one cares or that noone is listening hoping that you could go to a dark place where you could be alone

    Where people say they care and they will be there but the minute you tell them how you feel they go and tell and that makes you feel like your in a dark place.....your in a living hell

    How can we say being alone is something we can handle when no we can not how can we when we finally know that noone is there and none care

    Why should we ever have someone by our side when they will soon leave and your all alone again searching for someone else to break your heart

    So why even try to be with this world when the world it's self is against you it turns away from you

    The world we want to know where people care noone is hurt everyone is friends and noone can ever feel lonlyness

    Sadly this world has pain misery and we can not top it so we should just say good bye to the world and this is what I say to the world
