• I know you mean well
    But sometimes it hard
    You say those words in such a practiced way
    Sometimes it seems as though I’ve heard then before

    You say you’re sorry
    And you meant to call
    But you though I was busy and it was too far

    There is always something that keeps you from calling
    Don’t you know how hard it is?
    To be the one forgotten
    The afterthought every time

    I thought we were friends that shared every thing
    But I guess I was the only one who felt that way
    I left my heart out

    Every time I think I can trust people
    That I can be who I am inside
    I soon find out how wrong I was

    I pray soon that I will go away and be free
    To be who I am meant to be

    I know you mean well
    I really do
    Sometimes I feel I trust too much
    And that is my flaw

    I know others are not like me
    And I know I’m not the only one
    Who feels this way

    I know each and every one of us has a part that is kind and cares
    But why do people feel this part of them makes them weak
    Don’t they know

    May be they are like me and are afraid to trust
    Because they know
    Like me that people only hurt each other
    Even if they mean well

    If you truly are my friend and you say that you know me
    Then why do you pull away when you need friends the most
    Do you think I would not under stand
    Do you think I don’t care

    I know what I THINK
    I think I can’t find someone I can trust
    I think how I am supposed to trust you when you won’t trust me
    I’ve lost many great friends over the years this way
    I’ve begun to stop trusting people

    Only God who is always there can be trusted
    So I go forth to be come closer to God
    To show others that the world would be better if we care for each other
    To go where I belong for in this world you all cling to
    I only see madness and chaos.