• where there is shadow
    there must be light
    where there is a hero
    there must be a villain
    where there is you
    there is me

    Fear, can change a soul
    can take its tole on the spirit
    it can only forge utter madness
    it makes us weak
    it stops the hero within us
    it stops you

    Fear is the greatest sin
    for there is no wrong doing without sin
    greed, the fear of not having enough
    lust, the fear of being a lone forever
    jelousy, the fear of not being good enough
    all wrong comes from your fear
    it feeds on you
    and it does not shed a tear
    when it destroys you

    A true hero, is a person who has conquerd their fears
    so whats holding you back?
    Slash away at your fear
    Fight against your human tendencies
    take that daring step into abyss
    because once you come out
    and i know you will
    youll be a better person for it
    youll be my hero.