• the words on my lips
    and the feeling of his tips
    of fingers tracing down my spine
    I try to sit there and rhyme
    as he splurges his time
    tracing the shell of my ear

    as he draws near
    I then hear
    the swooshing of his sigh
    and the words they flutter by
    away from my grasp
    and into his clasp
    where he cradles them close
    and bites the shell of my ear

    the bumps on my skin rise
    and he tries
    not to laugh and
    in the blink of an eye
    I am in his grip
    and he stutters a bit
    as his lips trace the shell of my ear

    the words
    they no longer come
    and I feel so utterly glum
    as he teases my skin
    and breathes against the shell of my ear

    I want to see
    if his world revolves around me
    so I sit there and grin
    as he tries to speak again
    and his lips trace the shell of my ear

    he seems to have my words
    those frail, tender birds
    trying to flee his mind,
    they escape out his mouth
    and I've come to find out
    that he was just buying his time
    as he grins against the shell of my ear

    this feeling I cannot repress
    so the tears, they fall down on to my dress
    and the continuous sound of "yes"
    as he kisses the shell of my ear

    the candlelight catches the twinkle
    and my eyes they do wrinkle
    as this grin materializes onto my lips,
    I cannot seem to contain
    my joy
    in the words that I do retain,
    and I give a little start as he
    toys around with
    ring on my finger
    and kisses the plum of my mouth