• You say god is real?
    let me fill your head with the truth,
    you've probly lived your whole life shelterd,
    so the people told you their was hope after death?

    But not even they know the truth....
    have they seen what gose on in this world?
    all the death and destruction...
    and no one dose anything to stop it...

    why would any of us deserve to go to such a place as heven?
    we were all sent here to protect this earth and not destroy it,
    but soon owr untimely demise will apper,
    and only a few souls will see the end of this dark and lonely tunnel.

    only the people who tryed to help and not just wait till the end
    cause thats what most of you do
    wait for the end to come so you can go to heven?
    So you say god is real?