• Eyes are mirrors to the soul
    You can pretend
    But your eyes will reflect what you really are
    Though you try to hide inside yourself
    You can still see
    What you are on the outside
    You close your eyes
    They are stone
    Refusing any help
    Any comfort
    You can no longer see
    You are cold
    You are gray
    Just like mirrors shatter
    Your soul is split
    One hundred million pieces
    Strewn across the corners of your mind
    Never to be mended
    Your emptiness consumes you
    A black hole where your heart once beat
    Sucking in all feeling
    Crushing it to tiny pieces
    Like your soul
    But the pieces are there
    Though you refuse to gather them
    They gather dust waiting
    Waiting for you to acknowledge them
    They are there
    But you can’t see them
    Because your eyes are shut
    You are blind
    The world is black
    An ashen gray your eyes have turned
    The color of dust
    Gathering in the corners of your mind.
    But your heart still has one emotion
    Longing for a reason to beat
    To live again
    And so you open your eyes
    The brightness blinding
    The brightness binding
    You don’t shield your eyes
    You let it nourish your soul
    Growing again
    Into a flower
    Winding around your heart
    Consuming you.
    Your eyes are green
    The color of life
    A reason to live again
    A reason to beat
    You open your eyes
    You open your soul
    To a world new to you
    And completely the same
    As before your seclusion
    You take in feelings
    You take in love
    As strong as a tidal wave
    Washing over your body
    Cleansing your soul.
    Your eyes are blue
    You are sad
    But you remember when you were happy
    For without happiness there could be no sadness
    And so you have learned to heal
    You have learned to be thankful
    For the world’s sadness
    And hope.
    Now your soul is a rainbow
    A field of mixed emotions
    In Technicolor
    You no longer see in black and white
    Though it is more painful now
    You know what you must do
    And saying goodbye
    Is the hardest part
    A wave of emotion washes over you
    Hitting you with the scent of color
    I love you.