• Just think...
    Life may not be perfect,
    but there are things that make it great.
    Like our families,
    and our friends.
    What would we do without them?
    Our houses, our apartments,
    where ever it is you live,
    you have some where to go.
    Some place where you have food
    and safety.
    Not every person in the world has that.

    Just think
    everything you have
    you can lose. Your computers,
    your Ipods, books, cars,
    everything, could be gone forever in a split second.

    Just think...
    not everything in life is gunna come easy.
    You have to work for it.
    You have to want it. If you don't,
    you're not gunna get it.
    Just do your best and thats all anyone
    can ever ask for.

    Just think...
    about what you have....
    everything and everyone around you.
    God gave you that, and He can take it away.
    Just think...
    that even though life may suck right now
    it will get better, it may not be right away
    but it will.
    There are always people who
    have it so much worse than we do
    Just think....
    How good you have it....