• My heart is weeping for you
    Why have I left your mavelous hands?
    Darkness seems endless but I see your light
    Your voices calls to my heart, like a shelter in the storm
    I feel the warmth of your love, it takes me and change me
    You are the One and Only, the only one who can give me life
    The only one that can heal me and clean me
    You have loved me before I even knew you
    You love me more then I could understand
    Your eyes has seen everything I've done and all I will do
    My Savor your children need you
    I see so many lost souls, so many who haven't seen your glory
    Or tasted you forgiveness
    I know it to be true that you love me and all your children
    No matter what we do you are always there
    Tell how to show your love to the world!
    Show me how to touch the hearts of my friends and strangers
    I no longer want to be silent to what you have given me
    I want to spread the love, peace, forgiveness, truth, hope, and so much more
    I know you have a plan for me
    Lord keep me with you take hold of my heart
    Show me the way
    Speak to me and speak to everyone who reads this