• The pain has stopped.
    The blood now flows.
    As it shimmers and it glows,
    bringing back the memories,
    the pain, the love, the misery.
    As its holding up my life,
    I'm reaching for the knife.
    And the blood just keeps on pouring,
    dripping down my arm...
    And this is self HARM?
    It's amazing!
    I say while gazing.
    At the wondrous,
    he magical,
    Oh so beautiful.
    Line after line.
    Cut after cut.
    The blood. It wont stop.
    bleeding through.
    Yet there are my veins,
    intact, faded blue.
    So subtle and calming.
    Turned violent and alarming.
    A life that's bleeding blood.
    A life that's crying cries.
    lying lies,
    and failing tries.
    So the blood just keeps on coming,
    a heartbeat keeps on beating,
    and a wrist just keeps on bleeding...